Make Every Day Opening Day

It’s not often you attend a baseball pre-season kick-off event and walk away a better person. But that’s exactly what happened February 1st at Southside Christian School – thanks to our head Coach, Ken Ledford, and Monte Lee, head baseball coach at Clemson University.

It was Coach Ledford’s 2nd annual First Pitch dinner/team announcement event for our middle school, JV and varsity baseball players and their families. My #18 outfielder, Griffin Grom, will begin his 2nd season with Sabre Baseball Nation and will continue to benefit from the collaboration and camaraderie of this incredible team. For this, I am eternally grateful.

So, what made us better people? I don’t think anyone in the room would disagree that the combined messages from these influential coaches motivated, inspired, enhanced or sparked each of us in some unique way.

What follows are practical insights and encouraging words that will help me continue to push myself and others to be better, more often. Which ones resonate with you?

  • Make every day opening day.
  • Your 1st game is no more important than today’s practice.
  • Be great where your feet are.
  • Sit up front and in the middle. It matters.
  • When you’re on time, you’re late.
  • Burn the ships! A reference to Cortez conquering the Aztecs.
  • No retreat. No surrender.
  • It’s not difficult – it’s time consuming.
  • Continue to do things that point to Christ’s character. All the time.
  • Actions speak.
  • There is a difference between fear and danger. Conquer fear.
  • We over me.
  • Stats don’t matter. Help the team win.
  • YOU are your best friend. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
  • Replace ‘have to’ with ‘get to’ and see how perspective changes.
  • Clemson TIGERS:
    • Toughness
    • Integrity
    • Gratitude
    • Excellent
    • Relentless
    • Selfless

Defining A Stand Out Performance

Earlier this week, I attended the last girls’ high school basketball home game with my husband and kids. I was quick to realize how independent my kids are getting at ages 7 and 8. I’m used to having to keep an eye on them so they don’t fall through the bleachers and run off all over the place during the game. My son was game-on the entire time – totally engrossed in what was happening at both ends of the court. My daughter was delighted sitting 3 rows behind the cheerleaders and had fun finding girlfriends throughout the stands to connect with and show off contents of her purse. Wow – that means I could totally watch the game myself for a change.

Rise above the rest!

The Southside Sabres were hosting the Landrum Cardinals. It wasn’t a do or die game and we were there purely by request of our kids who had heard the hype of this being the last home game. So the whistle blows, and the Sabres took the ball. Immediately my attention was drawn to #3, Chalice Pack. This girl commanded the court every second of the game – whether on offense or defense. She was intensely focused, driven and fast. Her free throws were well practiced and swooshed every time. She was the go-to teammate for everyone who stole the rebound. She communicated effectively to teammates with her arms, her eyes and her voice. Her layups were graceful and spot on. She’s the first to high-5 or fist bump her teammates for a job well done. She was exciting, determined and taking ownership of her every move. She was giving a stand out performance and nailing it!

Next thing I realize, it’s half-time and the Sabres are up 25-11. Woot woot! I found myself anxious to see what #3 was bringing out of the locker room next. The second half, she continued to show her stuff with consistency – another solid set of actions and reactions that took the Sabres to a win over the Cardinals. But, not before a Landrum opponent got thrown off the court for unsportswoman-like conduct. This girl was obviously fed up with the glory and gain of the Sabres #3. The Landrum player hauled off and pushed Chalice as if saying, “I’m sick and tired of you being front and center and stealing all the attention during this game.” Haven’t we all felt this way about someone?

Following what I’m sure was a celebration in the locker room, most of the Sabres gathered their gear and paraded across the court to head out to homework, getting ready for school the next day and family time. But not Sabres#3. She hit the bleaches smiling – on a mission to see as many of her friends and fans as possible and continue to give back her presence, thanks and gratitude for all of them being there.

Replace game with strategy. Substitute player with professional. Change fans to customers.

There’s an important lesson here too for any one in work or in life. Sabres’ #3 monumental accomplishment can be applied to any situation as an example of always doing your best to rise above the rest. And there’s no doubt Chalice is living up to her last name – she certainly is the leader of the Pack!


Don’t Wait, Create!

It was 12:58pm on Wednesday, January 25th. I had just resigned a mere 3.5 hours ago and was celebrating what’s next over a beer with my husband of 17 years. As we were planning and discovering things for me to do in the next 28 days before starting work again, I somehow had the common sense to remember I had bought a ticket to a Dale Carnegie Institute/Jeffrey Gitomer Reslilient Leadership session…which was going to start at 3pm that afternoon. How coincidental??

So, we finished plotting out a grand plan for the next month and beyond, and I rushed home to brush my teeth and head over to the Embassy Suites in Greenville, SC. I’m a fan of Gitomer already – I subscribe to his sales/marketing e-zine and have dabbled in his Ace of Sales email program. What I wasn’t prepared for a was a solid 2.5 hours of atta-girl, motivational inspiration to go conquer my new opportunity. Yes, I had pretty high expectations given my familiarity with his content, but I got totally immersed into his direct Jersey boy why-haven’t-you-bought-an-iPad-yet performance that hit a nerve with me every time he opened his mouth.

So, here are the big idea take-aways from Gitomer’s session. Some are quite practical and simple, a few are merely thought-provoking, while others require action or change. I personally walked away with a rekindled confidence to move on to what’s next – smothered in a notion of Hell Yes!

JEFFREY GITOMER: Resilient Leadership Principles

  • open a biz opportunity with ‘before we get started…’ – sets a relaxed, informal, truthful tone from the outset
  • laugh or think in the first minute of new biz opportunity, otherwise you’ll spend the rest of the meeting recovering
  • show pix of your kids whenever you can – create the emotional appeal
  • sales are made emotionally, justified logically
  • substitute television for writing/reading and you win
  • loosen up – today’s Presidential candidates don’t even wear ties
  • always train new employees for attitude first – start with yourself
  • coach the player; lead the team
  • stay coach-able yourself
  • the more you study it, the better you are at teaching it
  • people need to see your believe to become believers themselves
  • don’t lead by example, set the standard
  • react, respond, recover – how you do these as a leader determines your success
  • if you ever SAY you are the boss, you’re probably not
  • if you hire an eagle, they will fly
  • make your social media policy focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t
  • if your people are better at things, you will win
  • have a bad minute, not a bad day
  • replace the word change with opportunity to get a different reaction
  • set earnings expectations & minimums, not quotas
  • strive for loyalty, not satisfaction
  • teach how to earn referrals, not make cold calls
  • teach testimonials, not a sales pitch
  • teach buying motives, not sales skills
  • if someone on your team leaves for a competitor, it’s YOUR fault
  • treat everyone like a one year old – without the baby talk!


By changing nothing, nothing changes.

It was eerily surreal as I gathered up the last of my things and headed out the front door. It was a dark, dreary, rainy, early morning in Greenville, SC. I had just resigned for the first time ever.

As I headed from the door to my car in the parking lot it was a bit like time was standing still. One step forward and I was moving toward what was next. One step backward and I was where I was comfortable, had many reliable business associates and was in a place where I made lifelong friends.

The past 8 years at ScanSource, Inc. were immensely valuable to me. I learned so much about the new age of marketing, how to create raving fans out of everyday customers, developing teammates to do more for themselves, and learning how to protect a corporate culture in an ever-competitive global economy. In fact, the lessons I learned there were beyond unteachable in school. It takes real world business to be impacted like I was during those years.

Here’s something I discovered: Sometimes you can be everything the ideal professional is supposed to be and still have challenges that cannot be solved by following what’s supposed to happen. The good news is these are the moments where you really grow up. I had many of those and I am a better leader, mother, friend and person because of them.

By changing nothing, nothing changes.

Sometimes to most appropriately apply your learnings it requires change. For me it was time for change. While I can’t say that I accomplished everything I had hoped at ScanSource, sometimes it takes a reality check to know when you have done all that you can. I had reached that point. Perhaps I was setting the bar too high and expecting too much from myself and others. Or, perhaps I’m just not that good. I know I can always improve and started believing I needed some sort of justification that doing something for myself for a change was the right path to take.

So here I am. With 28 days off ahead of me to focus on what’s important: my glorious children, my ever-supportive husband, my loyal 14-year old golden retriever/basset puppy, a neglected lake house, leading from within to support local charities and taking time to watch the branches blow in the breeze and hear the clock ticking in my kitchen. Honestly, I did that this morning and it was soul-soothing.

Those who know me, know I am passionate about three things. (1) influencing people to be better, (2) strategic, results-driven technology marketing and (3) learning something new every single day.

I’m psyched to open a new chapter in a new company with new endeavors on February 22, 2012. However, I’m not about to forget yesterday. Instead, I’m excited to apply my past to reach an even better tomorrow. That is the stuff that life is made of. For our careers shouldn’t define us, they should enhance us.

I’m eternally grateful for those who challenged me and lifted me up during my time at ScanSource. I may be gone, but you all are never forgotten.

What do confidence, purpose, water, survival, music and honey have in common?

It’s not often that I head out on business travel with an intent to overhaul my perspective on life. But I was fortunate to spend an invaluable week in Nashville a few months ago learning, laughing, crying, searching and believing more than I ever have.

In order of experience, I have listed below the people and things that completely impacted my life in such different, yet compelling ways. It was a trip that absolutely rocked my world and provided me with so many new perspectives on what really matters. I am thrilled to share this information and hope you find them just as worthwhile watching, reading or living! Cheers!

Tim Sanders

Speaker, Consultant, Author. Former Chief Solutions Office at Yahoo. Author of Today We are Rich & Love is the Killer App – he provides perspectives on confidence and cultivating an attitude of gratitude. I did a PR interview with Tim to post on our blog and cross promote his new book.

Roy Spence

CEO, GSC&M Idea City. Author of It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For. He was our  ScanSource keynote speaker: defining your purpose in life. This 60-minute video will inspire you to define what really matters to you.   ||

Doc Hendley

President, Wine to Water Non-profit Organization. Raised in Greenville, SC and now lives in Boone, NC. Our ScanSource keynote speaker: pursuing your passion and making a difference in the world. Doc launched a book on January 5, 2012 – add it to your Amazon wish list now! His 60-minute video will bring you to tears – extremely compelling mission.  ||

Kendall Truitt

One of (2) survivors in the 1989 Explosion aboard the USS Iowa battleship that killed 47 shipmates. Kendall is a customer in Raleigh, NC. It wasn’t until I told him that I am a San Diego Navy Brat, that we started talking maritime shop. This ‘love for all things water’ connection led him to tell me his ultra-compelling story of disaster, conflict, courage & truth. His most compelling statement is that he now has no more bad days.

Lucas Hoge

Singer, songwriter – host of Animal Planet cable television show Last Chance Highway. He was playing acoustic guitar in the Jack Daniel’s Saloon at the Gaylord Opryland during my stay. He made table rounds during his breaks along with Jeff Dayton and hung out with all us guests. He asked for song requests and I willingly offered up Keith Urban, which he played instantly. He is on a mission to deliver wholesome, kick-back country music with a Christian flare and unique soothing sound.

Jack Daniels Honey

When in Tennessee, how can you pass up a whiskey tasting? I never considered myself a brown liquor kind of girl, but the smooth, sweet sensation of JD Honey is a new found favorite! I highly recommend this chillaxin’ new cocktail which will forever bring back memories that changed my life during this compelling week in Nashville! This has to be the Navy Brat in me!!