Deliver A Daily Dose

Deliver A Daily Dose

It’s so true, and often extremely effective, to reflect on how we RECEIVE a daily dose of inspiration. Doing so gives us motivation, drive and ammunition to get things done with a positive impact. To switch things up, I’m going to reverse engineer this concept and share a few ideas on how we should strive to DELIVER a daily dose of inspiration.

  1. Offer praise and recognition for efforts and a job well done
  2. Say thank you – there can never be never enough gratitude
  3. Smile – it really can keep others guessing, and asking ‘What gives?’
  4. Be a STAR – Someone They’ll Always Remember – stand out in a crowd
  5. Go beyond yourself – give back to the community
  6. Listen intently, with a desire to encourage, take action or assist
  7. Show off – not with an intent to brag, but rather to excite and spark interest
  8. Be a student in life – learn something new every day and share this knowledge
  9. Look people in the eye – be serious, authentic, transparent
  10. Send hand-written notes – it’s a lost art in today’s digital world

Sometimes the little things go such a long way in making a difference. If you simply take time to ‘stop and smell the roses’, it can have a meaningful effect on those around you. So, what’s holding you back?

10 ways I’m taking some time out for life.

I’m 5.5 days into this 28 day hiatus between jobs and I’m amazed at what I’ve noticed going on around me. When you are not worried about getting to work on time, meeting deadlines, pleasing others, working the corporate game and running to extracurricular activities, you can sit back, soak it all in and live life for a change. Sounds simple, but most of us don’t do it. I’m extremely fortunate to have a husband who supports me in taking a month off to do a bunch of nothing, as well as a new employer (effective Feb 22) who values time off as much I do right now. Guess that means I’m in for a wild and crazy work ride when I get started 🙂

Lost time is never found again ~Benjamin Franklin

So, how have I been taking some time out for life? Here are just a few things I’ve experienced in the past few days that have tickled my fancy to a whole new level – simply because there is nothing else on my agenda competing with them.

  1. Grapefruit – who has time to prepare this delicacy rushing to get yourself and (2) middle schoolers ready every morning? Glorious Vitamin C rush!
  2. Music – do you sing  the refrain, hum the melody, tap to the tune or really listen to the words? Wow, there are so many songs that have new meaning for me because of the real message that I often miss.
  3. Walking without headphones – we’ve had crisp 33* sunny mornings, but the birds – you’d think it was 73* mid-summer by the way they sing, chant and chirp about the day ahead.
  4. Leisurely lunches with my husband – THE most important person in my life is being rediscovered. At least twice a week, we plan to head out to a new eatery or whip something simple up at home.
  5. Quaint, local shops I never get to – Palmetto Olive Oil, Anne’s Antiques, Moonstruck, Mauldin Furniture. Look out, you’re on my short, but very targeted TO VISIT list.
  6. Pinterest – this website is mind-boggling. I’ve been pinning for weeks, with little time to act. Now, I’m about to get ‘er done on some of my top finds on this craze of a social network.
  7. Getting involved with my 2 kids at school – decorating the Valentine’s bulletin board, weeknight basketball games, NO car line – I actually go in, attending field trips to the orthodontist, praising with them at Chapel Programs. All priceless.
  8. Cooking from my Betty Crocker / Taste of Home cookbooks – I’m’ always throwing dinner together at the last minute,
  9. Chillaxin’ with Safari – she’s my 14-year old golden, basset pound puppy. Still fairly active but slowing down fast. Snuggling by the fireplace is our fave!
  10. Stand in complete silence for 5 minutes somewhere & be thankful – at the grocery, in the shower, looking out the front door, in the bank or the parking lot. Tune everything out and focus on things you are thankful for. Amazing.

And lastly, it’s important, but this one is not about me taking time out for life. It’s about me worrying about others not valuing life enough to wear your seat belt. Again, I’m looking at my surroundings through a different set of eyes. So, while sitting at stop lights, I’ve noticed so many people not wearing seat beats. Mind-boggling! If I could arrest people in the click-it or ticket program, I wouldn’t have to go back to work on February 22 for all the $$$ I’d be making. Stifling. Believe me, there’s no way to take time out for life if that accident takes it away from you first.