Everywhere A Sign

Everywhere A Sign

While visiting Kent Standing Rock Cemetery during a work trip to Cleveland, it became crystal clear to me that our parents are always with us. It had been 6 months since my last trip, so I knew spring cleaning was going to take some time.

After clearing the weeds, I discovered a small bouquet of purple mini violets growing wild at the base of the tree next to my parent’s resting place. My mom’s favorite color and one of her very favorite flowers. How so?

I also noticed two dandelion wish stems anchored in their gravestone. That was my parents reminding me to always pursue my dreams and wishes and not lose sight of my goals.

Not long after, as I was nearing the end of my mission, a lady walked up from across the lane. She too had been doing spring cleaning at the cemetery for her husband and son. Her name is Helen Marie Noble. My godmother’s first name was Helen, my mother’s middle name and grandmother’s first name was Marie. We had a soulful talk about life, death, health and passing time. I added her to my prayer list.

Then, as I went to say a prayer over her family at their resting place, I saw the markers for the TEXTOR family (high school friend) and the BLAIR family (neighbors I grew up with). This brought back a wealth of memories as I relived several conversations and experiences with these friends.

In the midst of this brief 2 hours, I was reminded there are signs everywhere that our loved ones who have gone before still care deeply and watch over us. You simply need to be receptive and stop to witness these messages and see these signs. Mark them on the tablet of your heart. Always.

Kids Are Like That Sometimes

It’s been a bit hectic getting back into our routines after Christmas break. Alarm clocks. Schedules. Homework. Being on time. Choosing outfits. Figuring out dinner.

But I’ve made a conscious decision to be more intentional with my family – especially at the end of the day before rushing into evening routines. So yesterday I park the car, take a deep breath in the garage to clear my head, come inside, set my stuff down and see the kids snuggled in front of the fireplace.

Before I get the first word out, my son says, “Hi Mommy! Did you have a good day at work?” Funny, that’s the same question I was going to ask him about school. It instantly brought a smile to my face to realize that there are moments like these where I feel like my children care more than I do. Or that they are reading my mind and staying one step ahead. Or that they are teaching me a lesson for a change.

I kinda like when that happens.


Simplify. Simple As That.

It’s only after I had some quality time off to myself that I realized how cluttered and difficult life can be. With 12 more days off in my 28-day between-job hiatus, I’ve been thinking about how my routines, purchasing habits and tasks can be tweaked ever-so-slightly in an effort to simply simplify. Here are 9 recent discoveries.

simplicity on a fence

Word to the wise.

  1. Super shiny tinted lip gloss. It used to be full-blown lip liner, lipstick and a top coat of gloss. But why? A super shiny tinted lip gloss in a tube creates less mess in the purse/make-up bag and is a 3-in-1 no brainer.
  2. Dishwasher gel packs. No more messy, flip-top gel detergent. I explained them to my kids using the solid versus liquid science analogy and they got excited to help me do the dishes. WOW!
  3. No iron. No dry clean. No hand wash. No explanation necessary. Shop smart.
  4. Few or no throw pillows. There are days I just want to fall into bed without any more hassles. But I always have to clear away throw pillows first – which are only there for decoration anyway.
  5. Electric candle warmer. A good friend bought me one last year and when I think about it, I use it. NOW I’M SOLD!! No wicks, no smoke, no flame, less danger. Plus, constant scent management.
  6. Indoor griddle/grill combo. Perfect for our 2nd home out on the lake where space is tight but we always have time for great food and good friends.
  7. Organized linen closet. Roll the towels. Sheets inside pillow cases. Baskets for the little stuff. All thanks to Pinterest!
  8. Try the magic eraser first. Not sure how, but 99.8% of the time, this wizard of a product can get the job done – including ink pen on a sweatshirt.
  9. 12 uses for Vicks VapoRub. One jar can do all this? Can’t wait to try this on mosquitos and headaches.


The courtesy of an RSVP please.

Not sure what has happened to the simple act of replying and responding to event invitations in this world. It does not matter if it’s my non-profit charity banquet fund raising gala, a cul-de-sac BBQ, my 5 and 6-year old tae kwon do and skatepark birthday parties or a simple voicemail request wondering, “are you coming or not”.

I have always been taught (and still practice today) common courtesy. There’s a ton of time, effort and, most importantly money, that go into planning events of every size. Yes, I understand everyone is busy. But someone thought highly enough of you to invite you in the first place, so you should at least extend the favor of a reply. Is this crazy??

I will admit that online e-vites tend to get responses and it’s a bit easier to send reminders electronically than via snail mail. Maybe people feel more compelled to respond since often times all invitees can see who is coming, considering or declining the invitation. Peer pressure sets in. Maybe I need to do more inviting online, but to me it seems so less personal.

Really people. Please RSVP for heaven’s sake. It doesn’t take much and small things make a big difference. Yes or no. Your friends and family are counting on you.